Regio Freestyle zipped jumper
Regio Freestyle zipped jumper
- Regio FREESTYLE sweatshirt is an absolute hit. You create it yourself. You have no restrictions in applying patterns or colors. Delivery time: 7 to 10 business days.
Regio FREESTYLE sweatshirt is an absolute hit on the market. You have complete freedom in creating its appearance. You can apply any graphics and any colors.
Regio FREESTYLE training sweatshirt is made of the highest quality polyester fabric, which allows adequate air circulation, preventing excessive body overheating. Regio fabric has a perfect weave, soft and smooth fibers that do not absorb sweat, so it retains its perfect properties for longer. The sweatshirt is fastened with a zipper, has a hood and is finished with cuffs, which improves comfort of use.
When placing an order, send your own graphic that you want to put on the sweatshirt and specify the selected size.
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